Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Saturday!

I make the rules so I can change them on a whim.

To keep things light for the weekend, I decided to share (read: subject you to) a clip I found online. The clip features Andy Richter (formerly of Late Night with Conan O'Brien and some failed pilots) and some other guy.

To which I say "take that you Prius-driving hippies!"


  1. Hahaha that clip was awesome! I was going to say "wow that was really violent," until I saw that it was a Nissan commercial. And since I have one, I'm biased.

    But I still want a hybrid.

  2. Then get an Altima hybrid or some other hybrib on the market. Unless the car flies (literally), there is no justification for owning a Jetsonsmobile.
    [yes, it sounds like a Jetsons car when you power it up]
