Today we will tackle items 11 and 12, both referring to Twitter. At some point roughly three months ago, yours truly joined Twitter. This was not an easy decision nor one that I am proud of, rather a necessary evil. But why is Twitter so bad?

I was probably just another hater because if you've read this blog you would know that I probably would not be able to keep to the 140 character limit--yet I'm very succinct with my texting (translation: I don't sound like a 12 year old girl or 40 year old perv, l8r LOL!).
Finally I just sucked it up and created an account. I figured with all the tools out their who are less important than yours truly, how can I not start tweeting? Okay, the real reason I joined was to gain support and use it as a tool to hype up my business. Then the strangest thing happened: I actually got hooked on it and discovered Twitter for all its power and glory. I started getting all the breaking news from my areas of interest and I started dropping knowledge on all my followers (there's a shout out to the 40 of y'all) and the world.
So I stand here today to announce that I, DotCW, tweet and I'm proud. Fine, proud might be over the top but something between proud and embarrassed works. It wasn't easy and I'm still learning, but I'm getting there. I think the "11 weeks learning Twitter" will probably run longer. You can reach me there @sorryimnottellingcuziwannakeepthisanonymous.
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