Monday, January 5, 2009

Death of the Courtesy Wave and Ode to Mr. Potts

I promised I would explain the title of this blog, so here goes...

For years I've noticed a decline in standards in all aspects of life. Now by no means am I perfect. I am, however, better than everyone else.

Since I have a tendency to ramble on and on, I thought I might some day write a book about life which would serve a as humorous road map (or cautionary tale). This was going to be the title of that book.

So where did this golden phrase come from? Funny you ask! I've been driving for over 10 years now. While I like to consider myself a calm person, these years of driving produced what I like to call selective road rage. I have ZERO tolerance for stupidity. If you decide to move all the way to the right on a single lane street and then come to a stop in the middle of the street with no indication of what you're about to do (not that you have any options other than going straight), I will assume the position behind the wheel (no, not the digitus medius out the window) but my patented "one foot on the break, one hand on the horn" for as long as it takes for you to realize that you're an idiot.

Also, I've noticed that nobody gives the ol' courtesy wave when someone lets them in. It is a dying art that I am doing my part to preserve. I was fortunate to have a good instructor for Drivers Ed (the class to get your license a year early--I mean make you a better driver). The instructor's name was Mr. Potts. He was a tall, older man with thin, wavy hair and rocked the 'stache. He probably was a hippie back in the day. Every week he came to my high school in his 1991 Plymouth Acclaim. He taught us to perfectly parallel park and the k-turn/y-turn/three-point-turn. He made sure we waved when someone let us in on the highway or when we approached a stop sign at an intersection at the same time as the other 3 cars or to the creepy guy in the neighborhood who waved at all the passing cars.

I love driving around Manhattan and having a car around. I've been cut-off my share of times and cut many people off (mostly cabs, but they deserve it). I have yet to receive a courtesy wave, not counting the woman with a stroller who had the right of way and I was patiently waiting to make a right turn.

On a related note, I don't buy into the stereotypes about certain groups as drivers. I am an equal opportunity hater if you drive like Stevie Wonder (because he's blind not cuz he would have an Escalade with 22" chrome rims and thinks he owns the road).

The courtesy wave is neither the cause or effect of society's downfall, rather a symptom. It will serve as my inspiration for many posts to this blog. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the $8 tub of popcorn.

[In case you were wondering, that driver was so kind to wave me to pass him and go over the double-yellow. I passed him and watch through my mirror as he tried to make a u-turn but fail miserably. He should take a few sessions with Mr. Potts!]

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