Thursday, January 1, 2009

So this is the New Year...

...and I don't feel any different.

I know, it's kinda lame, but every New Years that song pops into my head. Last night it came on my Ipod as I was heading to a New Years party. [Editors note: I do not like iPods or iTunes but got an iPod for free and still want an iPhone]

So anyone who knows me knows that I don't make a big deal about birthdays and really don't care about New Years either. I haven't celebrated my own birthday in a number of years not because I feel old (I'm not THAT guy) but because I just don't care and it's just another day in my life. I will gladly celebrate a friend's birthday and go all out for them. But I have the same approach with New Years. IT'S JUST ANOTHER DAY!

Having said that, what did I do for New Years? I planned to stay in or just go to a small gathering at a friend's apartment. In the end, friends from different parts of the US and Canada (who don't know each other) were converging on NYC (how convenient for me) but all were going to some giant party at the same bar that was rented out. I went to this party last year with different friends and it was pretty bad. However, a little bit of arm twisting later, I plunked down the $60 and went. It was a very different group of people from last year and I actually had a really good time. And took full advantage of the open bar so I felt better about the $60.

Happy 2009!!!

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