Thursday, January 22, 2009

So I Was Thinking...

Yes, that might be a dangerous thing but hear me out. There are lots of people in this world who should not be allowed to think (Ted Kaczynski for example) and others who probably should think a little more often (anyone who goes on the Maury show with 8 kids and looking for her babies' daddies). As for me, thinking has gotten me in trouble, but most of the time it has served me well.

Then again if you didn't want me to think, why would you be reading my blog?

On the eve of New York Governor David Paterson announcing who will be replacing Hillary Clinton as Senator (thankfully it will not be a Kennedy), I began to think about how we got into this mess.

Our favorite Senator/carpetbagger loved New York so much, and after praising this great state decided she would rather be in the cabinet (female chauvinists do your thing) of President Obama. That leaves the appointment up to Governor David Paterson who from up close can't even tell the difference between Hillary Clinton and Caroline Kennedy.

So what's Governor Paterson's deal? David Paterson was previously the Lieutenant Governor of New York until recently, when he took office after ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer got caught up in a scandal...Something to do with a Jersey girl (first mistake), $5,000/hour (second mistake) and his inability to hide it (third mistake).

But was it really about his involvement in with an (expensive) escort service?

NOPE. He would have gotten away with it and probably have been praised but for two mistakes. First, he couldn't hide it well. Second, we needed a fall guy given the state of the economy. Everyone needs money and New York State is no exception. Had Gov. Spitzer been with a call girl from New York, who reported all her income on her state tax return (miscellaneous income anyone?), New York would get the revenue and Spitzer would not have gone down faster than blue ice from an airplane.

The moral of the story, those seven deadly sins can actually kill--a political career.

In honor of Spitzer, Paterson, Clinton and Kennedy, I bring you today's song of the day:
The Unprotected by Cavalier King

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